where performance meets transformation

Your life is a symphony.  Perform and be an inspiration on the stage of business!

Programs for high achievers who want to rise to artistic freedom.
a heart-stirring piano concert and a motivational event

BS Events & Seminars

Exclusive keynotes with Mr. Miklos Posh, an internationally recognized OD expert, peak performance coach and a stage pianist.

Keynote & Seminar 1

Living with meaning in the age of A.I.

"Truth is not just theoretical. You can live truth and you can become a true person." MP
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Keynote & Seminar 2

Unleash your talent in business

"Performance is a specific mindset rather than something to achieve." MP
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Keynote & Seminar 3

Charismatic leadership - performance by authenticity

"Performing on stage and making an impact on your audience is in many ways similar to reaching extraordinary performance in business by positively influencing your customers." MP

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Solo piano concerts


Business participants to date


Trainings and courses facilitated


Business Clients

a transformational musician

About Miklos

A peak performance coach, a strategic advisor to executive leaders and top athletes, public speaker, author and a recognized composer.

As an OD expert, economist, mental health professional and a Unitive Life Coach Miklos Posh is also the founder of KANOA Ingenium, a market-leading people development organization covering the Central and Eastern European region. He has worked as a business consultant for 20+ years with sports clubs and senior management of top organizations such as: Porsche, Danone, AXA and Microsoft to name just a few. His people development experience has led him to work with top leaders around the world.

David, 45, accountant
Thanks Miklos I could experience a breakthrough I’ve never imagined that could happen. It gave me a useful overview of how to live my talent and I am now more unafraid to live and act in an authentic way.
Mike, 38, engineer
The event helped me to open up about problematic work-related topics not discussed at my workplace and I could also learn how to gain more credibility and buy-in from my colleagues
John, 43, marketing manager
It was a unique program I’ve never been before. I could get an in depth understanding of the nature of influencing and and the key to unlocking the convincing part of me.
Julia, 33, HR manager
I liked his style, he earned my trust by being professional. He helped us to discover our hidden power in leadership by pushing us gently towards our limits.
Miklos Posh

Business Symphony

Living with meaning in a competitive world

Get your digital copy now! (paperback available on events only)

Find meaning and get inspired NOW!

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